Uniquely Gifted

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Top 10 Pieces of Advice for Parents of
Uniquely Gifted Children

Meredith G. Warshaw, M.S.S., M.A.
Special Needs Educational Advisor

1.  Trust your instincts 

You know your child better than anyone else in the world.  Don't assume that professionals know better because they have credentials.

2.  Trust your child

If he says he can't do something, don't assume that he's being lazy or obstinate or unmotivated, and don't believe anyone who says that is all that's going on

3.  Don't ignore the giftedness while trying to fix the disabilities

Children get depressed when they don't get to learn anything new

4.  Don't ignore the disabilities while feeding the giftedness

Children get frustrated/depressed if they are constantly required to do things they can't do

5.  Your child can both be in a gifted program and have an IEP or 504 plan 

Children in gifted programs can have IEPs or 504 plans.  Children with IEPs or 504 plans can be in gifted programs.  They are not mutually exclusive.

6.  Don't overwork your child

If homework takes her four times as long as it takes the other kids, have her do 1/4 of the homework

7.  See the good in your child and find time to have fun together

When things are falling apart, it is easy to lose sight of what we enjoy about our children and not find time for the good stuff.

8.  Take care of yourself

If you fall apart from exhaustion and neglect, you won't be any good for anyone else

9.  Know when to cut your losses

Some situations are irreparably bad.  If your child's school situation is completely poisoned, it may be time to look for alternatives (other school, homeschool, whatever)

10. Network

Local support groups can be great.  In addition, the internet has opened a whole new world, allowing us to connect to people at any hour of day or night.  Support and information are both invaluable.

Copyright 2002, Meredith G. Warshaw

"Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction."
       ~ Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's Teacher)

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