Especially for Professionals"The dream begins with a teacher who believes in you, who
tugs and pushes Contents
Please note: Being listed here is not per se an endorsement of any particular site or email list. I have included annotations for those sites or lists that I am familiar with and strongly recommend. GeneralWhat Teachers, Principals and School Administrators Need to Know
about NCLB, by Sue Heath National Center for Learning Disabilities Online Multimedia Center Current
Special Event:
Developing Legally Correct and Educationally Appropriate IEPs by Erik
Drasgow, Mitchell L. Yell, & T. Rowand Robinson is an article for professionals
originally published in Remedial and Special Education, Volume 22, Number
6, November/December 2001, Pages 359-373 Addressing Student
Problem Behavior: An IEP Team’s Introduction To Functional Behavioral Assessment
(FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP), Prepared By The Center for
Effective Collaboration and Practice However, before jumping to FBA/BIP, read Dr. Leslie Packer's excellent discussion of behavior management. Start at http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/behavior.htm, and make sure that you read the section Acid Test (questions to determine whether there's a behavior problem to begin with), flowchart, and discussion of interventions. EASI (Equal Access to Software and Information) provides information on
adaptive technology LDOnline Assistive Technology Resources Information
Considering Your Child's Need for Assistive Technology by Gayl Bowser and
Penny Reed. Written for parents, but also useful for teachers.
Simple Ways to Assess the Writing Skills of Students with Learning Disabilities
by Stephen L. Isaacson, Portland State University:
Understanding the Student With Asperger's Syndrome: Guidelines for Teachers
by Karen Williams Asperger's
Syndrome - Educational Management Issues, prepared by Susan Jackel B.Ed. ED358673 Jul 93
ADHD and
Children Who Are Gifted. ERIC Digest #522. Authors: James Webb, Diane
Latimer ADDinSchool.com has suggestions for classroom interventions for both
elementary and high school students with ADD. Neurobehavioral
Characteristics Seen in the Classroom: Developing an Educational Plan for the
Student with NLD by Sue Thompsom, M.A., C.E.T. is an excellent article about
Non-Verbal Learning Disability (NLD or NVLD) that is written for teachers. Another good article on NLD for teachers is
Students With Non-Verbal Learning
Disabilities by Jean M. Foss
Modifications for Students with Tourette Syndrome, Attention-Deficit Disorder
and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, University of Iowa Department of
Psychiatry and the Tourette Syndrome Association, Inc. The Educator's Guide to Classroom
Vision Problems provide information on detecting vision problems in children
that will not be detected by the standard eye chart Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Special Education, Counseling, and
School Psychology How to Decide to Accelerate: The Iowa Acceleration Scale. You can read a review of this scale at http://www.hoagiesgifted.org/iowa_accel_scale.htm. You can buy a copy by clicking here Prevention Research & the IDEA Discipline Provisions: A Guide for School
Administrators Email Lists for ProfessionalsThe ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education has established
SPEDEX, an electronic discussion list for K-12 teachers in special and general
education. This mail list provides an online forum for the exchange of views and
information regarding the instruction of students with diverse learning needs,
including disabilities. In addition to creating a continuing dialogue between
special and general educators, the list will periodically provide them with
access to expert discussion leaders to whom they may address questions, describe
classroom situations, and ask for advice. Discussions will be archived with
searchable discussion threads. CAPD-PRO is a closed list about Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
just for professionals. To join send an e-mail message to
In the body of the message type: The spk2wrt listserv is a moderated discussion forum for students or adults
who have used speech recognition technology themselves or with secondary
students with disabilities. The primary focus of this discussion will be the
educational issues associated with using speech recognition technology to
support students with disabilities in home and school settings. All topics
related to the use of speech recognition technology for students with
disabilities are appropriate for discussion. EASI: EASI's mission is to serve as a resource to the education community by providing information and guidance in the area of access-to-information technologies by individuals with disabilities. We stay informed about developments and advancements within the adaptive computer technology field and spread that information to colleges, universities, K-12 schools, libraries and into the workplace. EASI has several discussion groups at http://www.rit.edu/~easi/lists.htm. EASI is a general discussion on adaptive computing. http://www.rit.edu/~easi/:
Assistive Technology Training Online Project (ATTO) has links to several
assistive technology listservs at LD OnLine has several bulletin boards specifically aimed at teachers of
special needs children: SpecialEdLaw has message boards for lawyers, parents, teachers,
psychologists, and SEA/LEA. ADDprofessionals is a professional list for discussion of clinical,
educational and other related issues, as they pertain to ADD. It is open
to all professionals who work with the ADD population, including physicians,
therapists, counselors, coaches, educators, advocates, etc. The ADD Consults site has bulletin boards for professionals working with ADD Curriculum SourcesThe College of William & Mary, Center for Gifted Education: Curriculum Units
and Publications Center for Applied Special Technology - Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
is a new paradigm for teaching, learning, assessment, drawing on new brain
research and new media technologies to respond to individual learner
differences. Dyslexia World has an online magazine for teachers at The Dyslexia Online Journal publishes articles, research reports and reviews
for psychologists, academics, teachers and other professionals working in the
field of dyslexia. National Center to Improve Practice in Special Education Through Technology,
Media and Materials. Includes the NCIP library -
http://www2.edc.org/NCIP/library/toc.htm - A collection of resources about
technology and special education Resource Room - The Resource Room is a website with tools for learning,
especially for people who learn differently or who have "learning difficulties"
or specific "learning disabilities." There are resources here for tutors,
teachers, or parents designing individualized lessons, especially with
multisensory or Orton-Gillingham programs Schwab Foundation for Learning has an large section of resources for
educators Dyslexia ScreeningEarly detection and intervention are crucial for children with dyslexia. Noted dyslexia researcher Sally Shaywitz, M.D., recommends the following screening instruments. The DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) is available
for free at The Texas Primary Reading Inventory (TPRI) is available at The Phonological Awareness literacy Screening (PALS) is available at Online Courses in Gifted EducationUniversity of North Texas College of Education University of Georgia, Department of Educational Psychology University of Connecticut, Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent
Development offers online courses, including an online master's degree program University of South Florida Books for ProfessionalsAnswers to Questions Teachers Ask About Sensory Integration by Carol Stock Kranowitz, Deanna Iris Sava, Elizabeth Haber, Lynn Balzer-Martin, & Stacey Szklut. Sensory Resources. Asperger Syndrome: A Practical Guide for Teachers (Resource Materials for Teachers) by Val Cumine, Julia Leach, Gill Stevenson, Burnley Stevenson. David Fulton Publisher. Assessment and Management of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in the Educational Setting: From Science to Practice by Teri James Bellis. Delmar Publishers. Autism, Advocates and Law Enforcement Professionals: Recognizing and Reducing Risk Situations for People with Autism Spectrum Disorders by Dennis Debbaudt. Dennis Debbaudt is a licensed private investigator and father of a child with autism. Childhood Bullying and Teasing: What School Personnel, Other Professionals, and Parents Can Do, Dorothea M. Ross, Ph.D. Educational Care a System for Understanding and Helping Children with Learning Problems at Home and in School by Mel Levine. Educators Publishing Service. Dr. Levine uses what he refers to as a "phenomenological" model - that is, he concentrates on the particular tasks that a child has trouble with (processing, memory, attention, etc.) rather than labels. He clearly spells out the importance of various tasks, where problems with them cause difficulties in school, and how to help children both at home and in the classroom. Different Minds: Gifted Children With AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits by Deirdre Lovecky. I'm very excited about this new book - I just got my copy and am avidly reading it. Dr. Lovecky knows our kids like no one else. This book is filled with well documented information on gifted kids, ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, and how these syndromes look different in gifted children. Lots of references. It is a dense book, because it is so full of info and research findings, and very worth the time and effort to read. Definitely a "must buy" for anyone parenting or working with gifted children with AD/HD and/or Asperger Syndrome. The Gillingham Manual: Remedial Training for Students With Specific Disability in Reading, Spelling, and Penmanship by Anna Gillingham and Bessie W. Stillman. A manual for teaching the Orton-Gillingham method of dyslexia remediation. The video, "How
Difficult Can This Be?: The F.A.T. City Workshop" by Rick Lavoie.
The description from the website says it all: "For kids with learning
disabilities, the classroom can be an intimidating place. In this workshop,
Richard Lavoie shows why. He leads a group of parents, educators, psychologists,
and children through a series of exercises that cause Frustration, Anxiety, and
Tension...feelings all too familiar to children with learning disabilities. By
dramatizing the classroom experience so vividly, Lavoie lets us see the world
through the eyes of a child. At the end of the workshop, participants discuss
strategies for working more effectively with learning disabled children." How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children by Sandra F. Rief. Jossey-Bass. Written with understanding and compassion, a very good book, although I don't agree with everything she suggests. My Thirteenth Winter : A Memoir by Samantha Abeel is an amazing account by a gifted young woman with dyslexia and severe dyscalculia. A beautifully written look from the inside, by a talented writer, this is a must-read for parents, teachers, and kids with LDs. Ms. Abeel also wrote and published a poetry book, Reach for the Moon, when she was 13 years old. Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level by Sally Shaywitz. Alfred A. Knopf. Dr. Shaywitz is a noted dyslexia researcher. This book emphasizes the importance of early detection and intervention. Schools Where Everyone Belongs: Practical Strategies for Reducing Bullying by Stan Davis. Based on research by Olweus, Davis's book discusses practical programs for schools to deal with bullying. He lays out the step very clearly, and stresses that bullying is not the fault of the victim and needs to be dealt with systematically by schools. I highly recommend this book. You can see samples from the book at Davis's site, www.stopbullyingnow.com The Power of the Arts: Creative Strategies for Teaching Exceptional Learners by Sally Smith, founder of the Lab School in Washington D.C. The Social and Emotional Development of Gifted Children: What Do We Know? edited by Maureen Neihart, Sally M. Reis, Nancy M. Robinson & Sidney M. Moon. Prufrock Press. Teaching for the Two-Sided Mind: A Guide to Right Brain/Left Brain Education (Touchstone Book) by Linda Verlee Williams. Simon & Schuster. Two wonderful books by Susan Winebrenner (I actually found that the book on
learning differences was as helpful for giftedness as the one purely aimed
towards gifted kids): Teaching Teens With ADD and ADHD: A Quick Reference Guide for Teachers and Parents by Chris A. Zeigler Dendy. Woodbine House. An excellent book by someone who really understands the needs of kids with AD/HD. Teaching the Tiger: A Handbook for Individuals Involved in the Education of Students with Attention Deficit Disorders, Tourette Syndrome or Obsessive by Marilyn P. Dornbush & Sheryl K. Pruitt. Hope Press. A reference book for parents and educators of students with Tourette Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, and/or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, describing how these disorders affect students on all levels - cognitive, behavioral, emotional - and providing practical suggestions. Unicorns Are Real : A Right-Brained Approach to Learning by Barbara Meister Vitale, Jalmar Press. Provides helpful suggestions for working with children with "right-brained" learning styles. When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers: How to Meet Their Social and Emotional Needs by Jim Delisle & Judy Galbraith. Free Spirit Press. Insightful discussion of an often neglected side of gifted children. Aimed at teachers, but also excellent for other professionals and parents. You Can't Say You Can't Play by Vivian Gussin Paley. Harvard University Press. A touching first-hand account of a MacArthur Prize winning teacher's journey to find a way to keep children from being excluded in her classroom. Her investigation of and implementation of the simple rule "You can't say you can't play" has important implications for school culture and the emotional health of our children.
"Children require guidance and sympathy far more than
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Meredith G. Warshaw