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Autism Spectrum Disorders
(Asperger Syndrome, Autism, Hyperlexia, PDD)

Please note: Being listed here is not per se an endorsement of any particular site or email list. I have included annotations for those sites or lists that I am familiar with and strongly recommend.  Also, I have included Hyperlexia on this page, although there is some debate as to whether or not it is an autism-spectrum disorder.


Yale Child Study Center Developmental Disabilities Clinic & Research Home Page

ASPEN - ASPerger’s Syndrome Education Network

OASIS - Online Asperger’s Syndrome Information and Support

Autism Victoria (Australia)

Tony Attwood’s site: This website is a guide for parents and professionals whose lives are affected by Asperger's Syndrome.

Autism Society of America

Asperger Syndrome Education Network of America

Autism Network International

American Hyperlexia Association

Part of the ASPEN site has hyperlexia links and articles

The Canadian Hyperlexia Association

Email Lists/Bulletin Boards


The Autinet list is a moderated list for which you have to be approved.(You have to be a person with Autism/AS or the parent of such a person).The web page with instructions for joining is at

The Aut-2B-Home site has links to many email lists for families homeschooling kids on the autistic spectrum

                          Books on Autism Spectrum Disorders

Asperger's: What Does It Mean to Me? by Catherine Faherty. Future Horizons.  I highly recommend this workbook for elementary school kids.  It's meant to be done with parents and teachers, and has very useful suggestions and insights for the adults in a child's life.  It's also unusually sensitive to a wide variety of family types and school settings (including homeschooling).

Asperger Syndrome and Adolescence: Helping Preteens and Teens Get Ready for the Real World by Teresa Bolick, Ph.D., Fair Winds Press.

Asperger's Syndrome: A Guide for Parents and Professionals by Tony Attwood and Lorna Wing. Jessica Kingsley Pub.

Different Minds: Gifted Children With AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits by Deirdre Lovecky. I'm very excited about this new book - I just got my copy and am avidly reading it. Dr. Lovecky knows our kids like no one else.  This book is filled with well documented information on gifted kids, ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, and how these syndromes look different in gifted children.  Lots of references. It is a dense book, because it is so full of info and research findings, and very worth the time and effort to read.  Definitely a "must buy" for anyone parenting or working with gifted children with AD/HD and/or Asperger Syndrome.

Helping a Child with Nonverbal Learning Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome: A Parent's Guide by Kathryn Stewart. New Harbinger Publications.

It's Nobody's Fault: New Hope and Help for Difficult Children and Their Parents by Harold Koplewicz. Times Books. This book discusses diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis for ADD, OCD, separation anxiety, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, enuresis/bedwetting, Tourette Syndrome, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, eating disorders, conduct disorders, and autism spectrum disorders.

Navigating the Social World: A Curriculum for Individuals With Asperger's Syndrome, High Functioning Autism and Related Disorders by Jeanie McAfee. Future Horizons.

The OASIS Guide to Asperger Syndrome: Advice, Support, Insight and Inspiration by Patricia Romanowski Bashe & Barbara Kirby. Crown Publishers.

Shadow Syndromes by John Ratey & Catherine Johnson. Bantam Books. Discusses Asperger's Syndrome, hypomania, and other "shadow syndromes" that are milder versions of better known disorders.

Taking Care of Myself: A Personal Curriculum for Young People With Autism/Asperger's by Mary Wrobel.  Future Horizons.  A guide to self-care skills written with the detail and explicitness needed by children with autistic spectrum disorders.


Overwhelmed by all the terminology and abbreviations? In addition to the acronyms page at this site, there's an excellent Dictionary for Parents of Children with Disabilities (in PDF format, you need Adobe Acrobat to read it) at http://www.usd.edu/cd/dictionary/.  It is also available as a website (but may take a long time to load) at http://www.usd.edu/cd/dictionary/dictionary.htm
There's a shorter "Glossary and Guide to Acronyms" (also in PDF) by Leslie Packer, Ph.D., at http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/Files/Conditions/Glossary2002.pdf
Another dictionary can be found at http://www.feat.org/legal/speddict.htm and another list of acronyms at http://www.feat.org/legal/terms.html

Last updated Friday October 06, 2006

"Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction."
       ~ Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's Teacher)

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