1987 M.A. in Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann
1987 M.A. in Psychology, Brandeis University.
1983 M.S.S. in Clinical Social Work, Bryn Mawr College.
1979 S.B. in Urban Studies, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
Gifted Education-related Activities/Experience
2003 - present
Contributing Editor and Editorial Board member,
2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter
2001 - present
Special Needs Educational Advisor, specializing in gifted/special needs
Assist parents in understanding the educational implications of their child’s
special needs.
2000 - present
Creator and webmistress of the
Uniquely Gifted website of online resources for families and professionals
working with gifted/special needs children.
1998 - present
Co-founder and co-listowner of the
GT-Special email list for
families of gifted/special needs children.
2001 - present
Founder and listowner of the
GT-Spec-Home email list for
families homeschooling gifted/special needs children.
Conference presenter on gifted/special needs
Author of chapters and articles
Professional Research Experience
1999 - 2001, Scientific Administrator
Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center
Organized colloquia and national week-long summer course, managing editor of
annual newsletter, science writing and editing.
1990-1994, Statistician
1994-1999, Senior Statistician
Dept. of Psychiatry & Human Behavior, Brown University, Providence RI
Collaborated with psychiatry researchers to analyze data, write journal
articles, and plan research studies, specializing in naturalistic longitudinal
studies of patients with anxiety disorders or depression. Supervised
statisticians and research assistants.
1989-1990, Biostatistician
Department of Psychiatry, Mass. General Hospital, Boston MA
1987-1989, Biostatistician
Frontier Sciences and Research Foundation, Brookline MA
Professional Service and Memberships
2004-present, Member Board of Directors,
Council of Parent Attorneys and
Member Web Site and Communications Committee,
Council of Parent Attorneys and
1991- 2002, Ad hoc statistical reviewer, The American
Journal of Psychiatry
1996-1998, Chair, American Statistical Association Committee for
Applied Statisticians
November 2002, Boston Learning Society, Needham MA.
October 2002, 8th Annual New England Conference on Gifted and Talented
Education, Quincy MA.
May 2002, Beyond IQ: Paradoxes and Oxymorons in the Lives of Highly and
Profoundly Gifted Children, Wakefield MA.
July 2001, New England Homeschooling Conference, Boxborough MA.
April 2001, NLDA’s Fifth Annual Symposium on Non-verbal Learning Disorder,
Monterey CA.
April 2001, Beyond IQ: Highly and Profoundly Gifted Children, Wakefield MA.
March 2001, Chair and panelist, Conference of the Association for the
Education of Gifted Underachieving Students, Worcester MA.
May 2000, Chair and panelist, Conference of the Hollingworth Center for
Highly Gifted Children, Newton MA.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Warshaw MG, Dolan RT, Keller MB. Suicidal behavior in patients with current
or past panic disorder: Five years of prospective data from the Harvard/Brown
Anxiety Research Program. Am J Psychiatry 2000;157:1876-1878.
Warshaw MG, Massion AO, Keller MB, Shea MT. Predictors of remission in
patients with panic with and without agoraphobia: Prospective five‑year
follow‑up data. J Nervous and Mental Dis. 1997;185(8):517-519.
Warshaw MG, Keller MB. The relationship between fluoxetine use and suicidal
behavior in 654 subjects with anxiety disorders. J. Clin. Psychiatry
1996; 57:158-166.
Warshaw MG, Massion AO, Peterson LG, Pratt L, Keller MB. Suicidal behavior in
patients with panic disorder: Retrospective and prospective data. J Affective
Disorders 1995;34:235-247.
Warshaw MG, Fierman E, Pratt L, Hunt M, Yonkers KA, Massion AO, Keller MB.
Psychosocial function and dissociation in anxiety disorder patients with
histories of trauma or PTSD. American Journal of Psychiatry
Warshaw MG, Klerman GL, Lavori PW. Are secular trends in major depression an
artifact of recall? Journal of Psychiatric Research 1991;25:141-151.
Author or co-author on over 50 publications in peer-reviewed journals
Learning About New Medications. ADDitude, May/June 2003.
Motivation Problem or
Hidden Disability? AEGUS (Association for the Education of Gifted
Underachieving Students) Newsletter, 2002.
Meeting the Needs of
Twice-Exceptional Children. PG Cybersource, Davidson
Institute for Talent Development, 2002.
Tips for Parents:
Homeschooling Twice-Exceptional Children. PG Cybersource,
Davidson Institute for Talent Development, 2002.
HMS Beagle: The BioMedNet Magazine, 2001, Issue 97.
Warshaw's field
guide to atypical statistics. HMS Beagle: The BioMedNet Magazine,
2001, Issue 95.
Gifted/special needs, the internet and me. In Uniquely Gifted: Identifying
and Meeting the Needs of the Twice-Exceptional Student, ed. Kiesa Kay,
Avocus Press, 2000.
Combinatorics: Part-time Solutions. Bryn Mawr Alumnae Bulletin
Winter, 1999.
Rachel and Leah, Yaacov and Esau: Two Stories of Sibling Rivalry. Neshama
628MIT: A driving tale of vehicular maladjustment.
J. Polymorphous Perversity 1989;6:8.
Last updated
Tuesday March 29, 2005