Uniquely Gifted

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Meredith G. Warshaw, M.S.S., M.A.

Special Needs Educational Advisor
Specializing in the needs of gifted/special needs children
Contributing Editor, 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter

----- NOTE: I am no longer doing consulting work. -----

Meredith Warshaw has a wealth of practical experience and knowledge about gifted/special needs children.  Her work as co-founder/co-listowner of the GT-Special email list for families with gifted/special needs children, founder/listowner of the GT-Spec-Home email list for families homeschooling gifted/special needs children, and creator of the Uniquely Gifted website of online resources and books for families with gifted/special needs children, led to her career as a special needs educational advisor.  She is Contributing Editor for the new publication 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter, and a member of its editorial board.  Ms. Warshaw has presented extensively on gifted/special needs children, including workshops at conferences sponsored by the Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students (AEGUS), the Non-Verbal Learning Disability Association, the conference of the Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children, and Beyond IQ: Highly and Profoundly Gifted Children. (a tape of this talk is available at http://www.fltwood.com/onsite/gifted/2001/index.htm), and classes at the Boston Learning Society.

Ms. Warshaw's resume includes a decade of psychiatry research at Brown University, specializing in longitudinal studies of anxiety disorders and depression, and authorship or co-authorship of over 50 papers in peer reviewed journals.  As a freelance writer, she's had popular articles in magazines and online publications including ADDitude magazine, Life Learning, and PG Cybersource, plus a chapter on internet resources in the wonderful book on gifted/special needs children (and this site's namesake), Uniquely Gifted: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of the Twice-Exceptional Student, edited by Kiesa Kay.  She has masters degrees in clinical social work, psychology research, and statistics.

Ms. Warshaw was a member of the Website and Communications Committee of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA), on the Contributing Board of the Massachusetts Home Learning Association, and is a Contributing Editor and member of the Editorial Board for the new publication 2e: Twice-Exceptional Newsletter.

As the mother of a uniquely gifted son, Meredith Warshaw knows first-hand the trials and joys of living with and educating a multiply-exceptional child. Because school and her son turned out to be a bad combination, they embarked on the adventure of homeschooling.

Last updated January 1, 2020

"Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction."
       ~ Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's Teacher)

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