Uniquely Gifted

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Please note: Being listed here is not per se an endorsement of any particular site or email list. I have included annotations for those sites or lists that I am familiar with and strongly recommend.


Hoagies Gifted Education Page has information and links to just about everything. If you have trouble finding what you want, go to the site map.

From Australia, the NSW Association for Gifted and Talented Children, Inc. at http://www.nswagtc.org.au/index.html and Austega's Gifted Resource Centre at http://www.austega.com/gifted/ both have informative sites.

The Association for the Education of Gifted Underachieving Students (AEGUS) serves as an advocate for children who are gifted and not achieving to their level of ability.

Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG)

Fernette Eide, M.D. is a wonderful neurologist who specializes in gifted/special needs children.  Her website has interesting articles with some great fMRI pictures!

For online conferences on giftedness, go to
Our Gifted Online Conferences

Regional Groups for Families with Twice-Exceptional Children

If you know of any other groups, please email Meredith Warshaw so I can add you to the list.

GT/LD Network - Montgomery County, MD

LI-TECA (Long Island Twice-Exceptional Children's Advocacy) 

Gifted Different Learners Association (GDLA) - Howard County, MD

Email Lists/Bulletin Boards

GT-World has email lists for families with gifted children, gifted/special needs, and for gifted adults.

In particular, GT-Special is a list for families with gifted/special needs children, and those who work with them.  Subscribe by sending an email to subscribe-gt-special@xc.org

GT-Spec-Home is for families homeschooling (or thinking of homeschooling) gifted/special needs children.  Subscribe by sending email to subscribe-gt-spec-home@xc.org 

The new list GifTEds is a UK-based list for families with gifted/special needs kids.  Subscribe by sending email to GifTEds-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

TAGFAM is another source of email lists related to giftedness

                                                      Books on Giftedness

Uniquely Gifted: Identifying and Meeting the Needs of the Twice-Exceptional Student, edited by Kiesa Kay, Avocus Press, is an excellent resource (disclosure: I have a chapter on internet resources in the book). This book contains chapters from parents, teachers, researchers and administrators.

Creative Home Schooling for Gifted Children: A Resource Guide by Lisa Rivero. Great Potential Press. If you only buy one homeschooling book, buy this one. Rivero has done an amazing job discussing the issues involved in homeschooling gifted children, and she touches upon special needs as well. I have never read a homeschooling book with so many references, and it also contains a wealth of resources.

Crossover Children: A Sourcebook for Helping Children Who Are Gifted and Learning Disabled by Marlene Bireley. Council for Exceptional Children.

Different Minds: Gifted Children With AD/HD, Asperger Syndrome, and Other Learning Deficits by Deirdre Lovecky. I'm very excited about this new book - I just got my copy and am avidly reading it. Dr. Lovecky knows our kids like no one else.  This book is filled with well documented information on gifted kids, ADHD, Asperger Syndrome, and how these syndromes look different in gifted children.  Lots of references. It is a dense book, because it is so full of info and research findings, and very worth the time and effort to read.  Definitely a "must buy" for anyone parenting or working with gifted children with AD/HD and/or Asperger Syndrome.

The Pretenders: Gifted People Who Have Difficulty Learning by Barbara Guyer. High Tide Press.

To be Gifted & Learning Disabled: From Identification to Practical Intervention Strategies, Susan M. Baum, Steve V. Owen, John Dixon. Creative Learning Press, Inc.

When Gifted Kids Don't Have All the Answers: How to Meet Their Social and Emotional Needs by Jim Delisle & Judy Galbraith. Free Spirit Press.  Insightful discussion of an often neglected side of gifted children.  Aimed at teachers, but also excellent for other professionals and parents.

Overwhelmed by all the terminology and abbreviations? In addition to the acronyms page at this site, there's an excellent Dictionary for Parents of Children with Disabilities (in PDF format, you need Adobe Acrobat to read it) at http://www.usd.edu/cd/dictionary/.  It is also available as a website (but may take a long time to load) at http://www.usd.edu/cd/dictionary/dictionary.htm
There's a shorter "Glossary and Guide to Acronyms" (also in PDF) by Leslie Packer, Ph.D., at http://www.tourettesyndrome.net/Files/Conditions/Glossary2002.pdf
Another dictionary can be found at http://www.feat.org/legal/speddict.htm and another list of acronyms at http://www.feat.org/legal/terms.html

Last updated Friday October 06, 2006

"Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction."
       ~ Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's Teacher)

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