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Unfortunately, many of our kids have to deal with bullying at school. Here are some articles which discuss how schools can better handle bullying, and how our kids can deal with it (not as a substitute for school action, but in addition to it).

Please note: Being listed here is not per se an endorsement of any particular site or email list. I have included annotations for those sites or lists that I am familiar with and strongly recommend.

There is a useful letter from OCR on disability harassment at
http://www.ed.gov/PressReleases/07-2000/0726_2.html and in PDF format at http://www.ed.gov/offices/OSERS/OSEP/Policy/3q2000pl/Dearcolleague72500harasssec.pdf

Stop Bullying Now, from the Stop Bullying Project
(there's an associated book, which I highly recommend - Schools Where Everyone Belongs: Practical Strategies for Reducing Bullying by Stan Davis.  Based on research by Olweus, Davis's book discusses practical programs for schools to deal with bullying.  He lays out the step very clearly, and stresses that bullying is not the fault of the victim and needs to be dealt with systematically by schools.  You can see samples from the book at the site)
In addition, the website now has a chapter specifically on bullying and disabilities -

AskERIC has a section on bullying at

Bullying: A Series in the Kennebec Journal / Morning Sentinel
An article on the problem of bullying in schools, with some excellent links to further resources.

The Committee for Children has a site with information on bullying and sexual harassment 

Easing the Teasing is Judy Freedman's website on teaching children how to handle teasing

NLDline has a section on dealing with bullying at

No Bully: A New Zealand site with sections for kids, parents, and teachers.

Preventing Youth Hate Crime: A Manual for Schools and Communities - US Government publication that includes a bibliography, list of videos and websites.

Protecting Students from Harassment and Hate Crime is a publication from the U. S. Department of Education's site:
http://www.ed.gov/offices/OCR/archives/Harassment/index.html or in PDF at

Raven Days: Schools should truly be safe for all their students. Someday perhaps they will be. But as long as they are not, there need to be places where current and former outsiders can gather, for support in dealing with the status quo, and for help in changing it. That is why Raven Days was created.

Schwab Learning has the following articles:
What Parents Can Do About Childhood Bullying
If you’re a parent concerned about bullying, it’s important to recognize the signs that a child is a bully as well as the signs of one who is being victimized.   
Understanding Bullying and Its Impact on Kids with Learning Differences
Bullies! Every classroom has at least one. Whose name comes to mind when you hear the word “bully”? Who was the kid who could upset your day with his verbal, physical, or emotional insults?  

The article "Bullying Prevention is Crime Prevention" can be found at

What can I do if I am being bullied? by KidScape A site with practical suggestions for kids.

What Can Parents Do When a Child is Being Bullied is a short checklist from Childhood Bullying and Teasing: What School Personnel, Other Professionals, and Parents Can Do, Dorothea M. Ross, Ph.D.

For those dealing with workplace bullying, visit

Last updated Friday October 06, 2006

"Children require guidance and sympathy far more than instruction."
       ~ Anne Sullivan (Helen Keller's Teacher)

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